Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Friday, January 5, 2024

#123: Happy New Year and all that jive.

 Seems like some days all I do is complain, but this seems like at least a semi-legit one this time.

It seems Di$ney has let lapse the trademark on the "Steamboat Willie" version of Micky Mouse on January 1st. Cue the five million YouTube content creators uploading the original video and assorted cartoons from the same time period. Yeah, we get it. Steamboat Willie. For the bazillionth time. 

The point was so that you could take the character and make it your own, not do what everyone else is doing. I'm also not impressed that you waited to upload the original--oh yeah, you're a rebel aren't you? Now that there are no repercussions of course. No-brainer, not very brave (or original) of you. 


With the turn of the clock dial, another year has dawned.... and has promised to be one of the most chaotic years yet. Japan had an earthquake on January first, and the shaking of the rest of the world has continued. Today is only January 5th, and we're dealing with Epstein's list--is your fave celeb on there? A school shooting yesterday in Iowa--come on folks! The kiddies were just coming back from Christmas break. 

Such is the chaos of the times. Or maybe I am just noticing things more; who knows? Maybe I'm just turning into a curmudgeon. I have an excuse, look: 


I went to the local Taco Hut and while waiting for my food, I happened to take a good look at the receipt. And had a good laugh; I am not offended in the least. It's possible the cashier was just being nice. I knew my gray hair would be good for something one day. Of course, I'm not old enough for AARP just yet; I do turn 49 in about 10 days or so. Crone status unlocked! So now instead of that weird kid now I'm a weird little old lady. There didn't seem to be any in between, I guess. 

In other news, it is officially winter. We're even getting a little bit of snow tonight. There may be some Monday, which may cause a few issues getting to Spearfish Monday; stay tuned for that. Took a little drive the other day out of sheer boredom (so glad school starts Monday!) and the snow from two weeks ago was still hanging out in Spearfish Canyon. 

Bridal Veil falls was a frozen sheet.  Added bonus: No tourists mucking up the place. There was a little old lady across the street in her car, eating lunch.  That was all. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the quiet. Soon enough the roads will be clogged with cars, all doing 5mph because LOOK THERE'S A GOAT. LET'S STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD AND TAKE A  PHOTO. 😆

Yup, I've become curmudgeonly. Now all I need is a cane to whack  you whippersnappers with.

Already planning ahead--Lead's Winterfest  is February 16-18, and the Ren Faire is in June. Apparently the locals are planning a "White Trash/Tourists go home" bash in August. I have a feeling I will be more than down for that by the time it rolls around. Now, to track down the tee shirts with the bare midriff beer belly printed on them..... 

But first, Valentine's day-- are YOU set? Better get those reservations in soon, and stock up on the chocolate! I plan on doing at least that much, chocolate is good whether you're seeing someone or not. 
I noticed Wallyworld had their V day stuff out--on January 1st. Considering they had Christmas stuff out by Halloween, this didn't surprise me much. The Dollah sto' across the road was even worse--they've already got the Easter stuff out.... 

My aforementioned classes begin Monday.... I can't wait to get started. One of the profs is my previous entomology prof--so now instead of lovable grampa teaching the youngins about bugs, this time it's cellular biology...That's fun.  The other prof is the forestry dude, who resembles a hipster lumberjack on the cover of an L.L. Bean catalog. Full beard, and usually plaid shirt. Nice fella from my neck of the woods, who seems to be adjusting to live in the Great White Midwest. 


Stay tuned, for more shenanigans. 



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