Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Monday, December 25, 2023


 As I perch on the old rocking chair at my friend's house, I sneak a peek through the slotted blinds. 

It's still snowing, like it has been since about 6 this morning. 

I seem to be experiencing what a lot of folks sing about: that old white Christmas people seem to want. 

All I can see is being delayed getting home, as I'm doubting the interstate will be cleared enough by tomorrow. Not that I'm in a ripping hurry to get back home; classes don't start for another week or two.  

I just feel like I'm imposing here, taking up space on their couch. Especially since they had to cancel their plans due to the weather. And me still hacking with whatever I've been trying to fight off since December 8th... 

You know, when you have adult version of "croup" and you feel ok but you sound like you're dying? That one. This seems like it's happening more and more as I've gotten older. It's annoying, not least because I feel like I'm annoying the people around me. 

Still, not the worst Christmas I've had,  it's warm(ish) here in the house, they've got the tree all up and decorated. There'll be some sort of beef roast later for dinner. There's a bottle of mead in the fridge, part of my "Christmas present" (annoyed because I thought we agreed no presents this year?) The folks who did get presents were appreciative. 

The kids are all somewhere else today, so other than my friend watching random YouTube videos it's fairly quiet. 

So I chill and wait. Maybe I'll take photos later. I brought the camera along. Just in case. 

I can't wait til New Year's, although I'm unsure what I'll do. Probably be in bed by 9pm as usual. Maybe take down the Christmas decorations. Going to make the same resolution I do every year: to not make New Year's resolutions. 

Heard from an old friend, a couple of them actually. Thought maybe we could catch up. But they seem to have crawled back under their rocks. No matter: they have my number now and know I'm willing to talk should they need a sympathetic ear. Seems like we've all grown up and grown apart, and I don't know when that happened. 

At any rate, here's hoping you and yours have an awesome holiday season.

Hoping next year will be better, and looking forward to graduating next fall. Y'all are all invited BTW, keep an eye out for the invite if I have your address... If you want one, feel free to email. 


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