Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

#108: spring has sprung

 Whelp I'm back after an exciting spring break. I'm now well rested and ready to get back cracking at the remainder of the semester. 

...... And if you believe that I've got a bridge in san Francisco that I can sell you, cheap!! 

First, driving to NC. It's 1600 miles one way. Took me two days, what with stopping and snoozing at a couple different rest areas. 

Nashville drivers were more aggressive than I remember. People cutting across 4 lanes of traffic, coming within inches of my bumpers and sides. If I had to navigate that every day I'd be having a nervous breakdown. 

The drive through the mountains was also more stressful than it should have been. Seems like they're always doing road construction but when you're driving through it at 9 o'clock at night, single lane in either direction on a Saturday night, when everyone is trying to get to Asheville or the beach... Yeeeeech... 

But I finally got to sis's house. She's got a full house, so my bed turned out to be the recliner. A bit awkward since it's not great for side sleepers but it was warm and comfy. And her dog snoozed with me. 

Ms. Deedee. 

Granted, I'm not a dog person but I can respect cute when I see it. Especially since this one doesn't try to eat my ankles like the last one. So I happily snuggled with this one. 

I spent a few days finding special stuff for a friend, and left Thursday to go see the munchkin in Tennessee. Was unable to spend long with them but plans are in the works. 

Friday night saw a winter storm moving in, and the GPS took me on a wild goose chase to a friend's house where I crashed for the night.  That was a pretty crazy stage of the trip; the interstate was closed due to blowing snow so I took backroads. 40 mph most of the way as half the time I didn't know where the road was. Finally made it to the friend's, and after spending half the day Saturday waiting for the interstate to open back up, I made my way home. 

Sunday was spent recuperating and getting ready to go back to class. I'm still tired. 

Thinking the next trip east will be by plane. I'm getting too old for this shit. 

Me an the sis. 

Up next: happy spring! Hopefully all this damn snow will cease soon. 



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