Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Thursday, November 1, 2018

#24: WTF, Part Deux

So when I started, it was "5 am to 10 am,  maybe as late as 1 pm".

Well, okay. I can deal with that.

Then it was "Christmas is coming up, so maybe we'll do overnights, you show up at 10 or 11 pm and work till 6 or 7 am...."

Uhhh...okay... wasn't sure about being stuck in Hicksville overnight, but the po-po cruises the parking lot frequently and the doors are locked. Okay, sure.

Then they seemed to think I would do *both* in one day.

Fuck that.

 See, in order for that to happen, a couple other things would have to happen:

*I would have to suddenly be 20 years younger, and
*They would have to pay me a LOT more than minimum wage.

This on top of helping to unload their truck (which was late 9/10th of the time), and refusing to give me Mondays (no, you didn't "forget". If you can remember to schedule people off on Sunday for Church, you can remember to schedule me off for volunteer work on Mondays)

Needless to say, I am looking for something else.
Dorkus Maximus

In other news, Halloween went all right. I engineered some antlers to go with the ears, attempted to slap on makeup and went wandering around the mall as a full fledged faun.

This was kind of a "test run" on the costume, so I can tweak it for the Ren Faire in a couple weeks. Several people complimented me on it, and one woman gave me candy (even though  I obviously wasn't trick or treating), so  I guess she liked it, too.

Will  have to remember to dab a little of the makeup inside my nose next time. The pink kinda sticks out like a sore...nose?

If you were wondering, the antlers are 98¢ floral picks picked up in the Christmas crafts aisle at Wallyworld, layered with fake fur on a 3.98 plastic headband.  I don't know who would put deer antlers randomly in their floral arrangements, but hey, works for me.  Considering the closest ones at the Halloween store were like $5, it's a steal. I think maybe I ought to have put them a little lower on the headband, but it's a start.

While wandering around the mall, I went into several clothing stores to look at what passes for fashion nowadays. I have to admit I am a little confused by some of the window displays.

I had to snap a photo of this weird assed rainbow unicorn kangaroo number. Does the stuffed animal come with the suit? Or is it sold separately? So many questions, here. The unicorn stuffie looks like it wants to ask a few of the designer. What else can you stick in that pocket? I see so much potential here.

I'd burn up in that thing, looks way too hot for me.

Still not as weird as the hefty bag looking things the models wear on the runways at fashion shows, but close.

Next stop: Ren Faire! and then Thanksgiving. I took down the Halloween stuff today, but don't worry, I'll wait to put out the Christmas stuff....a few days..... ;-) It's buried in Dent's closet, so it may take a bit to get the energy to get to it.

of course, you know as I say this, I am already planning on how to do the lights outside, and where to put the friggin' Christmas tree...   ;)

Stay tuned!

PS Forgot to mention Dent decided he was suffering from Soul Envy....

It's a Hamster, disguised as Dent. 

So of course, he had to get one.........  

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