Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Saturday, October 20, 2018

#23: From the WTF files

Today involved moving the fall floral from one end of the rack to the other, to make room for the scads of Christmas stuff that was cluttering the back stock room.

I knew I would have to sweep--the shelf at the bottom was covered in plastic plant parts, old tags from things, and dirt (not to mention glitter from the Christmas flowers I was putting out). So I had the broom and dustpan at the ready, all set to sweep up the mess that had accumulated over time (I kind of wonder if I was the only person to bother sweeping there!) There is always tons of stuff to be swept up after I finish the flowers.

And then, after moving aside plastic pots and a box of fake bamboo stubs, I found it.


Yes, that is a half eaten pizza crust.

Yesterday, someone tried to steal the stepladder I was using to put stuff on the top shelf.  Why you want to take my rickety old metal stepladder when there is a 6' employee standing right next to the thing you are trying to reach, is beyond me.

When I worked at Mr. Burger, I referred my work adventures as "as the stomach churns". Wonder if I should come up with a catchy name for my adventures at Dollarland.

At any rate, stay classy, anonymous pizza eater.


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