Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Saturday, November 16, 2024

#138: For your Christmas list


Thanksgiving time is almost here and I know you're just pondering what to get everyone for Christmas.  You don't want to be scrambling around last-minute, do you?

I was rereading old posts and noticed how popular a certain one was a couple years ago (a total of *10* people looked at it! Of course, the majority of those "hits" were probably from me...but...). That post had some gift ideas for those of you out there who wanted to start their Christmas shopping a little early.

So in that spirit I decided to do another one. Because nobody asked. 

I'm good at posting things that no one asked for, you know. 



(insert fanfare here)

For the friends who drink a lot of beer. Or pee a lot. Or just have a wacked sense of humor. Or all three.  This sign is perfect to hang on the wall or sit on a shelf.

This particular sign isn't for sale, but would be a perfect example to show to your crafty friends who could make you one. 

Also, brewery. Cause beer. 

Here's another sign that would come in handy. In some ways, this is even better than the sign I used to have hanging in the Technicolor Trailer. That sign read "I LOVE YOU MORE TODAY THAN YESTERDAY (because yesterday you really pissed me off)" 

I don't remember where I saw this sign, but I'm sure you could make one or get the afore-mentioned friend to make you one. 

At any rate, I'm sure we all can relate. 

Finally, there's this sign. This was spotted at a place called At Home. There's one at the local mall. While I'm not overly impressed at the prices (they're awfully proud of their crap), there were a few funny things I'd maybe consider buying. And a few things I'd point and laugh and leave right where it is on the shelf. But you do you; you may find something you like.

Looking back at this photo, I conclude I'm not as disturbed at it as much as I am by the one underneath. Sweet Cheeks? Really? I can imagine the designer getting called into HR. 

I hope this post has given you a few ideas what to gift that special someone this holiday season. But if you're still drawing a blank, no worries! I'll be back soon with MORE ideas to give you yuletide nightmares (or hopefully a chuckle or two.)

See you soon!
Aye, Kraneia

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