Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

#16: Spaceships and wiggly worms and Dollar Trees, oh my!

So it's mid 1990-ish here, and I'm sitting at a computer in a classroom at a business college in Wilmington. It's after class, and I'm sort of clicking around, checking out the new fangled internet thing that is all the rage lately. I stumble across this web page that someone had made. I don't remember now what the webpage was even about. All I remember was that the owner of the webpage had uploaded a song to it, and I somehow managed to save it, fully intending to look up the person later and see what it was all about.

..........Except I forgot to save or write down who did the song, or even what the name of the song was.

So here I am, 28 years later, still trying to find the song. Title searches bring up nothing; lyrics pages are for another song entirely (the line "you're gonna go far", brings up a song by The Offspring, who, as you'll see, is not who this is)

Finally, I find it. Just today.

Apparently the singer WAS building a spaceship in his back yard....

In other news, I made a couple of wiggly friends today. They were hiding on the pecan trees.

They're called Saddleback Caterpillars, or Acharia stimulea if you want to know the latin name for it. The bristles apparently sting, so I was glad I left them on the leaves. They turn into little brown moths.

They apparently eat lots of things, but they were doing less damage to the pecan tree than the tent caterpillars, so I didn't squish them, I just took the leaves out into the woods, where they could crawl away and eat something else (or possibly become food for something else.... )

Finally, I have managed to snag a job at the dollar store. I am apparently an early morning stocker (not stalker, that's another soap opera entirely...) This has shades of when I worked at the Target. Hopefully this one will have a different outcome, although I haven't actually started yet. Keep your paws crossed.


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