Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

#142: And now--?

A little bit of pareidolia to brighten your day. 
 The fanfare has come and gone; I managed to wander across the stage without tripping over my own feet (a plus). The diploma-cover is in my bookcase, waiting for my diploma to make an appearance in the mail (supposed to be mailing it out in 6-8 weeks.). I assume I passed everything; I haven't got any indication that, even if I managed to fail something these past couple weeks, I'd not be graduating. So here I sit listening to the wind wail outside and ponder options.

The munchkin has also come and gone. The trip home went off with rather less trouble than there was coming out; the plane got to take off a little early, and no one had any issues. They are now back in Nashland and, I assume, on the drive home. Much was said this time around: how proud we are of each other; their possible future out here and my own future; plans, plans, plans. We even managed a touristy thing or two, namely, the geology museum out at the School of Mines. Yet the time went by way too fast; hopefully they will be able to visit again soon, when the weather will be better. 

Looks a bit like me.
Next stop: Christmas. I have the roommate's present all picked out and ordered; it is supposed to be here Friday, but as long as it's here before Wednesday I will be content. A couple more presents to pick out in the next couple days and my gift-o-rama will be complete. I have also invested in a couple new things, namely, a bag to pack the Christmas tree in. Christmas dinner sounds like it's going to be pretty good: there's some sort of beef in the freezer that needs to be cooked; alternately, the roomie got another turkey to put in the smoker perhaps ("I want to make sure that yummy one I made wasn't just a fluke," he says.)

Also considering visiting a friend for New Year's, now that the car is up and running decently again. Will depend on what said friend is up to of course, and weather permitting. Stay tuned!

A bit late to say, but there is much this holiday season I am thankful for. I really do have the most awsomest the friends in the whole wide world. If you're one of them, much love this holiday season. 

Not much else going on here. It's that time of the year, when not much happens beyond hibernating and biding your time. The hurry-up-and-waits that come near the end of the year. 

(Insert "hard as a rock" joke here)
Here's hoping you have a joyous hols, much snuggles, jingles, and all that.

Catch you on the flip!




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