Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Sunday, July 28, 2024

#133: Triangles and Fluffy Cows

 In honor of tourist season.

Okay... So I'm not a Picasso when it comes to Windows Paint. But you get the gist I think.

Remember folks, don't be stupid and try to pet the fluffy cows.

Speaking of stupid, I am really starting to wonder about the human species. Granted, things aren't always obvious, that might have been in the beginning. But when three separate people ask what this sign means, I really worry. 

Seriously. People ask what the no triangles sign means. When I explained to one woman it was a tent, that it meant no camping, she's all like "Well it's not a very good tent...." (FACEPALM)  Okay, so it looks a bit like a tipi, but still. Do people not use tents any more? Maybe we need one of the newer ones that has a small camper on it instead. Anyway. Reenforces my rule #1: People Are Dumb.  

Some of them are quite ignorant, too. You wouldn't believe how many I've had to fuss at because they're picking the flowers. Can you not? Can you leave them alone for everyone to enjoy? Apparently that is too much to ask. I asked one woman not to and she practically snarled "but I'm only picking one..." Yes, and if everyone "just picks one" there won't be any left. QUIT PICKING THE FUCKING FLOWERS.  Rant over. For now. 

Summer is moving along apace. We're down to 10 days or so, before I make my escape East. I've got some things packed already; other things are being gathered with a mind to packing them shortly. I can't wait to get out of town for a while, even though the place I'm going is likely going to be even hotter than it is here. I joke the 100 degree heat we've had the past few days is to get me into training. 

The number of motorcycles has been more over the summer  than I am used to; I'm guessing the Harley kings and queens out there got tired of getting screwed over during bike week and decided to come earlier in the year. I have no problem with this. Of course, bike week starts next weekend.... so the number of bikes and associated things are going to increase exponentially; there's already more and more motorcyclists showing up, as well as the vendors who cater to said bikers..... Tents and booths are beginning to go up on streetcorners; the Lodge near the park has put up their large white tent on the front lawn, as well as dragged out the large propane tank the food truck uses (as a helpful hint: don't buy food from the food truck. Unless you want to pay $10 for just a hot dog. Then you go right ahead.) 

Finally, websites are odd things sometimes. Too many times I've found what appears to be an awesome site--it has good stuff for sale, or good advice, or just good stuff to read. And then I look at the dates: last entry was 5 years ago. Comments sections no longer function; contact page has "errors" when you try to send a message. I understand life happens. But it's frustrating when you discover what may be a kindred spirit only to find that spirit has flown. I admit I've left gaps here in badhairland; but I try to come back occasionally and explain things a touch. For the ones who do really care.  

Catch ya on the flip side.


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