Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Monday, May 20, 2024

#129: Hol-ee CRAP.

 So when I started the spring semester in January, I approached my classes with a sense of.... trepidation. 

The entire semester was spent stressing over tests, homework, and other assorted things for one of my classes. Said class was one that, at the beginning of my journey, I wasn't expecting to have to take. But due to circumstances and having to switch things around, I found myself sitting in front of a microscope staring at E. coli and trying to figure out if it got enough "stuff" to glow under a UV light. The class itself was a misery of being utterly confused, and frantically doing as much of the "extra credit" as possible (apparently I wasn't the only rider on the struggle bus). I didn't make above a 62 on any of the exams; one exam was apparently so bad for everyone teach added 22 points (I still didn't pass it.).

Final grades were submitted May 8. I dreaded looking, and avoided it as much as possible. I didn't think I passed it, or if I did, the most I could hope for was a low C.

So imagine my shock when I checked this afternoon. 


I'm practically crapping myself at the moment. Well, not literally. But you get my point. I'm in freaking shock right now.

This means I only have one more semester. December 12 is  "G-Day".  And Y'all are all invited. 

Me, once the shock wears off

This means I can now relax and enjoy my summer. The youngin graduates in August; currently plans are in the works to see them walk across the stage. In some ways, I feel their diploma is more important than mine. I am unbelievably proud. 

In other news, the summer season has begun! I have a most excellent coworker again this year, who so far is doing well. The weather has been typical May: cold, and a chance of rain most days. Eagerly looking forward to June when it will actually be somewhat warmish. Of course in a few weeks I will be bitching it's too hot. 

Time to bring out the camera once again... photos to follow! Stay tuned.

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