Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

#83: Transitions

 Every year I do a "Halloween" tree.  But there's a space between Halloween and Christmas, and it seems pointless to put away the tree only to drag it out again. So for the meantime, I put away the Spooky tree and decorate with "harvest" or "fall" stuff. 

Switch out the purple lights for white, add leaves (both fake and a couple real ones), turkey feathers and birch cones. And red and gold beads. Top off with an antler I found couple weeks ago and voila autumnal greatness. 

Holy crap, it is November already. Where did the year go? Seems like I was just getting up to head to the park to shoo people out of the falls and clean toilets. That gig ended Sunday; next Monday I report to the cafeteria at the college for some hours there, at least until the park season opens up again. 

Got an email notification from one of those "school alumni" sites. You know the one, you can join for free but if you want to talk to anyone you gotta pay. Screw that. I can't think of anyone on there I want to talk to that badly. 

School is progressing at a steady pace. Just finished something called "orienteering", where you learn to read maps and whatnot. I still get lost in a paper bag, but at least I can tell you what the little symbols on your map mean. Managed to almost get lost doing the "field test" (wandering around in the woods finding points), but I did find the above mentioned deer antler, so we're even. 

One nice thing about wallyworld, even though fall hasn't ended, they still mark everything down to make room for the Christmas stuff. So mister Kitty came home with me. He looks like he's seen too much. But he's been in the shelf at Walmart for the past month. I'm sure he's seen quite a bit. Thinking of naming him Oberon in keeping with the whole fairy theme. 

Pleeeeese take me home, he seems to be saying. 

At any rate, the holidays are moving in-- time to start looking into Christmas stuff. 



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