Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Saturday, June 9, 2018

#3: Phoenix

I poked through ashes, which were rapidly growing cold. Grays and muted browns satisfied me the deed was done.

For the last year and a half, the paper bag under the kitchen table sat, waiting its inevitable end. I kept meaning to take it down the hill for the landlady's hubby to burn in their "burn barrel", yet something always kept me from doing so. Perhaps it was the nature of the medical stuff. Or maybe I just kept forgetting; I don't know, and the point is now moot.

A rarely used fire pit put to use, and a pile of ashes are all that remain.

It seemed a fitting addition to the other "starting over" things I have been doing lately.

As I type, I glance over my shoulder at the now dark fire pit. Citronella candles, one by my feet, flicker in the hopes the bugs will stay away. At least for a little while.

Dent's 53rd year on this earth begins tomorrow. There is a pineapple cake to make, birthday wishes to send along. Yet I suspect he will spend it like he has spent the past days, just another day, nose to the computer screen.

The bear finally made some movement; I had thought perhaps there was maybe still a flicker in there somewhere. But it seems he went back to sleep. Maybe hibernation is all he can do. I will try again in a day or two. I miss his growling somewhat. I got the impression he missed mine; but not enough, not enough yet.

Will he wake in time? My own time is running short; he may find his voice again, too little, too late. I literally have nothing holding me here, and unless I get some sort of indication that I am wanted here.... You snooze, you lose, bub.

I am guilty of giving people too many chances. Pretty soon they are going to run out, though.

Here, have a tiny lil sallymander ;) 
My houseplants have taken to the great outdoors fairly well. There's usually a rough week or so where they get used to the extra light and marm weather. The pothos leaves get lighter as the sun bleaches them, and the spider plant gets little crispy edges on the ends of its leaves. But pretty soon everything catches up, as the trees leaf out and there's more shade.

I ponder what I will do with them, if I do move out of state. I guess I will water that plant when it sprouts. 

Stay tuned

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