Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

Thursday, February 27, 2025

#149: You're The One

Being a plant mom, it's difficult to take those trimmings and just toss them away. So I stick them in a pot of dirt and by the end of the summer I have about 10,000 baby plants. 

Last year I took them, potted them up, and took them up to the college for the new and returning students, so they'd have something green growing in their dorm rooms (or to take home if they commute from somewhere else.) 

The other day I had a brain wave: rather than potting the babies in cheap disposable plastic pots, why not offer them in something else? A cute coffee mug, for instance? You can get ones with inspiring messages or cute pictures at the thrift store for like 50 cents. 

So this morning, I went to the Spearfish thrifties to see what I could find. 

I found several at the first place I stopped, that of the Salvation Army. They're in the process of moving, so the shelves are a lot more bare than I am used to, and all the clothing is in bins because they've already taken the racks out.  I poked around a while and found several good ones. I will have to come back sometime and see what else they put out for sale. The store will be open through mid-March, and after that I will have to wait til the beginning of May to see the new place. 

My other place to look is a few blocks away, at one of those St. Vincent's. Their prices are a tad higher (a whole 57 cents as opposed to 50!) but I managed to find a couple good things there, too.

I also found... a duckie.  But not just any duckie. 

He looks larger than what he really is. I've got him in a handheld basket. But he's a planter, and has a small hole in back for a plant. My evil mind began to work; my roommate collects those rubber duckie things every year that they sell at the motorcycle rally thing in Sturgis. So the past few months I've been sneaking in other duckie things to see how long before he'd notice. 

Naturally, King Duckie had to come home with me. 

And here he is, happily sporting a mother-of-thousands plant. Said plant was in a terra cotta pot that kept drying out too quickly, so hopefully this will be a better home for it. Quack! 

The weather has been really bizarre today. I actually have had to open some of the windows past few days. It's warm enough to go without a jacket, so needless to say what snow that is left is rapidly melting away. I hope we won't end up paying for it later on.....

Spring is coming! hang in there!