Because bad taste is better than no taste at all.....

You've Got Questions....


It occurred to me I haven't updated this page in a minute. You may be wondering who this fool is and why she's posting on a blog site, and who the hell reads this shit anyhow? You may also have a few questions about why I do what I do, why the hell I moved 1600+ miles away, and who the hell cares?

Or perhaps you're just bored and sitting on the toilet and needing reading material. 

At any rate, thanks for stopping by. Here's a few things to keep you going, and answers to questions nobody asked. 

--Who are you?

Who are we, really? Just a meat mecha piloted by a few brains at one end, with a skeleton thrown in for good measure. I'm female (last time I checked), 5'2" (or 1.57m if you happen to be on one of those civilized places that use the metric system) . I usually average 110 Lbs (or around 50 Kg) on a good day. I am currently 48 years old, no spring chicken! 

I have a bad attitude, and even worse teeth, although I am hoping to fix the latter item soon. The former item, however, you're pretty much stuck with--better luck next time, Jimbo. 

--Why did you move 1600+ miles away?

Every day I pretty much ask myself the same question. And get asked this by people who live here, following the statement "What? You're still here? Why?" Well, why not?

The short answer: jobs.

The long answer: The south was getting more and more backward every day. They care more about what bathroom you use than whether you have adequate healthcare. I'm not saying I care whether Johnny identifies as a female; I care that Johnny died because he/she couldn't afford the insulin for the diabetes. See the difference? 

So when the Megs started high school I made a resolve to go north and/or west. South Dakota came into view, and once the Megs graduated and was doing the adult thing, off I went. Granted, SD is also kinda backwards, but at least I can kinda sorta afford insurance as the pay is a bit better. Especially now that there's a labor shortage going on.

--Are you vaccinated?

Kind of a personal question, but yes. I've had both Moderna shots, and the frickin booster to go along with it. Don't come to me with that "vaccines cause autism" shit. If you do I will tell you to fuck off, cos I'm not listening. (see what I mean about the attitude?)

--Why do you moderate comments?

In the beginning, everyone could post. I had folks from all over the place adding to the discussion, and all was right with the world. Then, I got a weirdo posting things that not only WEREN'T related to the posts at all, they were inappropriate to the point in being sexual in nature (I'm sorry, telling me I needed to "put out" to get a job crossed a line there, bucko.) He was angry when I refused to post the nasty stuff he was typing in, but that's the breaks. While I admit this blog isn't "G-Rated", I'd like to at least keep it to a "PG-13", aiite? Moderation also discourages spammers from posting links. If you want me to add a link to your site, you can email and I will put it on my links page. I'm not going to give you free advertising. If you care to send in constructive criticism, I'll happily post it. 

Also, some things are better left emailed, rather than posting for all to see. If you take the time to email I will happily respond to that, too. Maybe not immediately; my life is a bit on the busy side at the moment (as evidenced by the very occasional posts here lately), but rest assured sooner or later I will get to it. 

--Why do you not allow comments on your YouTube channel?

Bet you're surprised I even have one. It's nothing much. But I have comments disabled on there for the same reason I moderate comments on the blog: Trolls. Again, email comments. Cos I know if you take the time to track down my email to tell me "that video sucks major donkey balls" I will know you at least meant it....rather than just posting in on youtube for the lols and upvotes. I'm not here to provide you validation.

--How do I contact you, so that I may tell you your blog sucks major donkey balls?

Okay, I just threw that one in. But in case you're really looking for me, you can also find me in the following places:

Email:                     sailorcritter[at]

There's more, of course, that I can't think of off the top of my head. I'll add them later. I do not have Facebook or Myspace. 

--What does your screen name mean?

Kraneia was a figure from Greek Mythology. She's a dryad who inhabited something called a "Cornelian Cherry" (a species of dogwood). Since I'm from the south, it seemed appropriate. 

Any other questions? Feel free to email me at the above address. If enough people ask about it I'll add it here. :)


Your hostess with the leastest. 

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